

Updated - Monday, April 22nd, 2024

This is my NOW Page but I think of it as my .plan and .project files. Back in the day, you could keep other users apprised of your activities. The .plan file was a simple text file that lived in a users ~home directory on the unix system which the user could update with their latest activity. This along with the contents of the .project file would be included with the usual response to a finger request. By keeping your .plan file dated people could find out what you were up-to, in turn you could keep track of them, even if they lived half-way around the world in a different timezone.

I am passionate about open source software, usability, performance, privacy and minimal design. This minor piece of the internet might one day contain more, but right now the domain is mainly for ease of contacting my server.

dot plan

Getting back into distance running.

dot project

Spent the past month deep diving into NetBSD and OpenBSD.


Derek Sivers
Jujusoft - Mark Pursey